Pursuit Physical Therapy Blog
This blog was designed for patients, physical therapists, and the general public to stay informed about physical therapy topics, current events, and to gather new information about physical therapy services. Pursuit Physical Therapy is a cash-based physical therapy practice owned by Ron Miller, DPT, OCS in the Central Florida - Orlando area. Visit the Pursuit Physical Therapy website at www.pursuittherapy.com and see if physical therapy is right for your injury and pain.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Who is the BEST PHYSICAL THERAPIST in Winter Park and Maitland, FL?
Dr. Ron Miller of Pursuit Physical Therapy was recently voted BEST PHYSICAL THERAPIST in Winter Park - Maitland, FL
Click the Pursuit icon below to see our new website, specialty programs, and blog. Schedule you appointment today and get back to being pain free!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Need treatment for an injury after the OUC 1/2 Marathon? Pursuit Physical Therapy will be open!
Are you running in the OUC 1/2 marathon with an injury?
Do you need treatment for your running injury?
Well, we have the answer! Pursuit Physical Therapy will be open this Saturday December 7th for appointments and treatments after the OUC 1/2 marathon! No need to wait until Monday for treatment. Appointments only so call us at 407-494-8835 to schedule. Good luck to all of the runners!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Our new blog!
Our new blog will be at our website at PursuitTherapy.com. Click here to view and thanks for following!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Do you have pain when running? Q and A at Fleet Feet with Dr. Ron Miller of Pursuit Physical Therapy
Do you experience pain with running?
This is not the time to have a running injury in the middle of training season. If you are having pain with your training, stop into Fleet Feet Orlando this Saturday November 2nd 11am-1pm and next Saturday November 9th for 11am-1pm for a FREE question and answer period. Dr. Ron Miller will be there to answer all of your questions regarding your injury. Don't miss this free opportunity!
For more information about Pursuit Physical Therapy, our running injury program, and what others are saying about us visit PursuitTherapy.com.
about physical therapy,
common sport injury,
heel pain treatment,
injuries from sports,
Pre-sport screening,
running injuries,
running injury treatment,
running pain
Orlando, FL, USA
Friday, October 25, 2013
What is a health savings account and a flexible spending account? What does it entail?
Do you know what a Health Saving account is and what it entails?
Do you know what flexible spending accounts are and how to use them?
I asked a colleague and friend of mine, Robert Washick, MBA, to help and write a guest blog so the public and patients can have a clear understanding of what Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Accounts are and what they entail. Many companies now are setting their employees up with these accounts to use for health care services.
We all want more money and many of us miss out on two of the best tax advantage plans available, HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account)or do not use them to their full potential.
Both of them allow funds to be put into an account and not taxed going in or coming out, as long as it is for valid IRS approved services, such as medical, dental, vision and prescriptions costs.
To simplify what they are I have the following guidelines:
HSA- Health Savings Account
1. Must be enrolled in a qualifying high deductible plan (off exchange)
2. Employer and/or individual funded and is entirely owned by the individual, even if terminated
3. Funds deposited are not taxable when deposited nor when spent on approved services
4. Funds roll over and in some cases can be put into investments within account for higher potential gain in value
5. Funds are available once deposited
6. Since you have access to the funds for you and your dependents and there is no concern of forfeiture, put as much as possible into this account that meets your household’s needs
FSA- Flexible Spending Account
1. No mandatory plan requirements
2. Minimum and Maximum guidelines are provided by IRS and Plan decides within those limits
3. Typically Employee funded through payroll deduction, but Employer can fund as well. When terminated only funds and claims up to that date can be utilized, unless COBRA is taken or employer allows extension
4. Funds are not taxable when deposited nor when paying for valid services
5. Currently, there is no rollover and any funds remaining are forfeited to the plan – Be careful to watch your balance
6. Plan year specific, must incur within plan year and spend all funds by end of runout period or available funds will be lost
7. All funds are usually available from first day of plan year
8. Make sure to determine how much you will spend and deposit as close to that or more as meets your household’s needs
By Robert A. Washick, MBA
Robert Washick
Professional Benefit Administrators, Inc.
fax: 407-671-1580
Thanks Robert! Hopefully this blog post clears up any misunderstanding of what these accounts are. Our next post will review what you can use these accounts on and how to use it. Can you use these accounts at Pursuit Physical Therapy??? Yes and an example of this will be in the next post.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Who has the BEST One-on-One patient care in Orlando, FL? Pursuit Physical Therapy and you can save money!
If you are looking for better patient outcomes, faster results, in fewer visits thus saving you money...Pursuit Physical Therapy is the place for you!
At Pursuit Physical Therapy "We don't meet your expectations of patient care, we exceed them for our patients!"
I have no doubt that my "self pay" and "cash based" model is far better than standard medicine and other standard insurance clinics including:
1. A better One-on-One care experience for my patients
2. Better quality of care: Better results in fewer visits!
3. No waiting period at the office
4. Personalized care that is tailored to your needs
5. Personal relationship with your doctor of physical therapy
6. No waiting periods to be seen! Scheduled within days of call
7. Save the patient and the healthcare system money?????
But how do I, as the patient, save money?
If you have a high deductible, high co-pay, flexible spending account, health savings account, or just need to get pain free in fewer visits, this is the post for you. Not only will your savings be in less money spent, but less time spent receiving care, and better outcomes for a better quality of life. These are examples of how you can save money in a "self pay" or a "cash based" system.
Patient began having knee pain when running and consulted me regarding her pain. No significant past medical history or no red flags that warranted a referral to a physician. No need for diagnostic imaging at the time of evaluation and treatment started on the evaluation day. Patient left evaluation with a decrease in pain already. I followed up with patient 2 more session within a week with home exercise program being updated each time, and patient was able to return to running pain free in 2 weeks.
Cost: primary physician appointment, copay plus x-ray, plus orthopedic physician eval plus copay, plus standard physical therapy eval plus co-pays plus treatments 2-3x a week for 4 weeks = a lot of money out of pocket and with insurance
Cost: 3 visits at Pursuit Physical Therapy and back to running pain free in 2 weeks $450
The patient has been complaining of chronic foot pain for years and has already been seen by physician, foot specialist, chiropractor, and physical therapy. Who knows how much money he has spent with deductibles and co-pays already. He has already had x-rays and MRI and physician wanted to do surgery but patient does not want surgery. Patient states heel pain and Achilles pain is not allowing him to perform job task, unable to run, and train. Again no immediate red flags are present so no need for referral. Patient has already had diagnostic imaging. Due to chronic nature, the resulted outcome will take longer but patient should still receive great outcome. Patient signed up for Running Injury and Heel pain Program for $1500. After 9 visits, patient has returned to running pain free and continues to respond well.
Cost of previous healthcare: > thousands of dollars, deductibles, co-pays, etc
Cost of Pursuit Physical Therapy Running Injury Program = $1500 and pain free return to running in 9 visits. Who knows how much money and time could have been saved if he came to Pursuit Physical Therapy first???
Not only is Pursuit Physical Therapy a cash based clinic, but many physicians are going cash based also. The below examples were taken from a physician self pay-conceriege medicine blog. Just to show you how your physician can help you save money also with self pay services!
At Pursuit Physical Therapy "We don't meet your expectations of patient care, we exceed them for our patients!"
I have no doubt that my "self pay" and "cash based" model is far better than standard medicine and other standard insurance clinics including:
1. A better One-on-One care experience for my patients
2. Better quality of care: Better results in fewer visits!
3. No waiting period at the office
4. Personalized care that is tailored to your needs
5. Personal relationship with your doctor of physical therapy
6. No waiting periods to be seen! Scheduled within days of call
7. Save the patient and the healthcare system money?????
But how do I, as the patient, save money?

Patient began having knee pain when running and consulted me regarding her pain. No significant past medical history or no red flags that warranted a referral to a physician. No need for diagnostic imaging at the time of evaluation and treatment started on the evaluation day. Patient left evaluation with a decrease in pain already. I followed up with patient 2 more session within a week with home exercise program being updated each time, and patient was able to return to running pain free in 2 weeks.
Cost: primary physician appointment, copay plus x-ray, plus orthopedic physician eval plus copay, plus standard physical therapy eval plus co-pays plus treatments 2-3x a week for 4 weeks = a lot of money out of pocket and with insurance
Cost: 3 visits at Pursuit Physical Therapy and back to running pain free in 2 weeks $450
The patient has been complaining of chronic foot pain for years and has already been seen by physician, foot specialist, chiropractor, and physical therapy. Who knows how much money he has spent with deductibles and co-pays already. He has already had x-rays and MRI and physician wanted to do surgery but patient does not want surgery. Patient states heel pain and Achilles pain is not allowing him to perform job task, unable to run, and train. Again no immediate red flags are present so no need for referral. Patient has already had diagnostic imaging. Due to chronic nature, the resulted outcome will take longer but patient should still receive great outcome. Patient signed up for Running Injury and Heel pain Program for $1500. After 9 visits, patient has returned to running pain free and continues to respond well.
Cost of previous healthcare: > thousands of dollars, deductibles, co-pays, etc
Cost of Pursuit Physical Therapy Running Injury Program = $1500 and pain free return to running in 9 visits. Who knows how much money and time could have been saved if he came to Pursuit Physical Therapy first???

Pt fell and injured arm. Mom sent message to me over weekend wondering about ER visit. I told them to come in on Monday and I’d evaluate. Evaluation was not conclusive, so I sent for x-ray, which showed small fracture. I suggested ortho, but mother messaged me back saying she talked to a friend who was an ortho and they said to just splint this. I checked on the recommendation and agreed. Child was in splinted, had repeat x-ray which was better, and given permission to do sports again.
In my old office, without messaging mom would likely have chosen to go to the ER. If not, would have seen me and would not have communicated with me about her friend’s advice (and I wouldn’t have had time to listen), so cost would have been quite a bit higher.
Cost: 2 x-rays of the forearm – cash price of x-rays $80 each, so total cost of $160
Cost savings: Avoided ER visit and specialist visits.
History of migraines, better with Topamax as a prophylactic drug. Can’t take it due to monthly cost. I found a cheaper cost, but then the price went up dramatically. Pt came to me saying they had to stop the medication, as it was costing more than $120 per month. I personally called pharmacy, who said that the cost for them was high, but then noted another local pharmacy had it on their $4 drug list and that they would match anyone’s price. I passed this on to the patient.
In my old office would have required payment for an office visit to talk to me about this, and would not likely have had time to research the cheaper price.
Cost: $4 per month.
Cost Savings: $116 per month and significantly improving quality of life.
Significant head injury with out loss of consciousness. Pt had some change in mental status (dazed), some nausea, dizziness. Came to my office directly. I evaluated, determined low risk for subdural bleed, more likely concussion injury. Ordered noncontrasted CT of head and stayed in office for 2 hours before test could be done. We re-evaluated over time and progressively got better. CT scan was negative. I called and did phone follow-up over the next few days and pt recovered completely.
Cost: CT of head: $300
Savings: ER visit and workup for head injury with altered mental status. Cost: ?
The examples above show the cost benefit in time, money, and outcomes that a cash based system can provide. At Pursuit Physical Therapy we pride ourselves in showing better outcomes, in fewer visits for our patients. In the long term: saving them money, saving them time, and returning to the activities they love and enjoy. Visit PursuitTherapy.com for more information or call us at 407-494-8835 and schedule a consultation today.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Are you tired of running in pain? Let me tell you how I went from not running, having knee pain at week 1, to running 9 miles pain free in week 2!
So, I have been wanting to get back into running lately and hopefully to run in my first half marathon in 2 months. I used to be a very active runner but have not ran seriously in the past 4 months, with an occasional 2 miles run. I decided to get active and more involved in local running groups and have joined USA FIT Orlando as a member and a sponsor. 2 weeks ago I committed to running a 9 mile run with a patient of mine and with the group. What was I thinking? At 1 week, I attempted to run 6 miles after a few small pain free runs, and experienced an acute flare up of left knee pain. 3 days later, I was able to run 9 miles pain free!
This case shows the importance of addressing your running pain early and to solve the problem of your pain, not to treat the pain. So what caused the left knee pain? Eventhough, I had knee pain, I did not have a knee problem. My problem, or the true cause of my pain, was left hip muscle weakness. My whole left leg is weaker when compared to my right leg. My left hip muscle weakness was causing altered knee biomechanics at my knee, thus resulting in patellar tendon pain, during, after, and for 2 days after my run. Below is a picture that shows an example of what occurs with hip muscle weakness and its result at the knee.
I also had trigger points in my left quad and lateral leg. The cause of trigger points is a topic for another blog posts, but when overloading a weak muscle, trigger points occur, and can have an affect on my knee pain. Many people attempt stretching, but stretch of my IT band was not my problem. My bigger problem was that I was scheduled to run 9 miles in 2 days but I was having left knee pain still, even 2 days after my run. So what did I do to get pain free in 2 days and be able to run 9 miles pain free?
1) 2 days of rest
I did not continue to run in pain and just hope that the pain would go away. Another thing is, DO NOT TAKE A PAIN RELIEVER OR ADVIL AND RUN. This is a definite DO NOT DO for all of my runners. There are numerous side effects of taking anti-inflammatories when running. If I would have ran in pain I would have just exacerbated my pain and then I probably would have not been able to run my 9 miles in 2 days.
2) Avoid over training
Simply stated. No need to train in pain.
3) Addressed the cause of my pain
I immediately started foam rolling to my lateral left leg and left quad to resolve the trigger points. I started to address my left hip muscle weakness with exercises at home and in the clinic. I also added some eccentric training to my left quad in a pain free range of motion. This was correcting the cause of my pain.
On Saturday morning, 3 days after my injury, I was pain free but I did not want to re-aggravate my injury. My goal was just to complete the 9 mile run pain free since I have just started running and was not trained. I was not concerned with my time but just wanted to complete the distance and workload. I ran a 4 minute run, 1 minute walk for 9 miles. I completed the run pain free and had no complaints!
At Pursuit Physical Therapy we specialize in the treatment of running injuries and we understand what it takes and the importance of training for a race. There is no need to run in pain, and if addressed early, you can solve the problem that is causing your pain and get back to pain free running in just a few days. We have also designed a proven Running Injury Program specifically for runners! Feel free to call us at 407-494-8835 to schedule a consultation or visit us at PursuitTherapy.com today! Get back to pain free running now!
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