Friday, November 9, 2012

What is Physical Therapy?

What is physical therapy?  can physical therapy treat my injury?  who is considered the best person to see to treat me?  What can I do for my low back pain?  All of these questions can be answered for you.  Visit and see what Pursuit Physical Therapy is all about and what we can treat.

1 comment:

  1. A bachelor degree in Physiotherapy is a great place to start with your career in Physiotherapy. You would need 3 A-Levels in grade C or above to get onto a respected BSc Physiotherapy Degree course. This degree can then lead on to a Masters Degree in Physiotherapy (if you wish) which would generally last a year and many graduates find this is what pushes them closer to their dream of becoming a physiotherapist. However, a Masters degree is not essential, and some will graduate from their bachelor degrees and then head straight into employment. There is a brilliant, well-respected Health Sciences faculty at The University of Southampton which has undergraduate and postgraduate Physiotherapy degrees available - this is great because it means you can do all your studying in the same place. In order to learn more about the BSc Physiotherapy degree at the University of Southampton please log on to the Health Sciences homepage at
