Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fit Body Boot Camp Orlando and Injury Prevention

Are you a member of Fit Body Boot Camp Orlando?  Fit Body Boot Camp is a new fitness and weight loss training method that is sweeping the nation.  I had the opportunity to attend a training session at the Orlando location, and I love the training style!  This is the perfect workout: high intensity, total body involvement, functional movements, cardiovascular, and overall a short duration (30-45 minutes).  This is the perfect workout to help you lose weight, decrease body fat, and maintain muscle, and you don't have to plan anything!  Just show up and the trainers will take care of the workout.  I thoroughly enjoyed the workout even though my legs were sore for days!  Great job to Kerry and Andrea for opening a great gym, for their community involvement, and for spreading health and fitness throughout Orlando.

Proper biomechanics and flexibility is going to be essential to help prevent injuries from occurring with this type of training.  Just for example when squatting or even with a deep squat, you must have the proper flexibility and strength to complete the task with proper form.  When form and biomechanics become poor, this may increase the risk for injury.

Below is an example of a functional deep squat that you should be able to perform without any compensation.  How many of you can perform this?
This training may also predispose people to getting many overuse injuries such as knee pain, foot pain, and other tendinitis injuries.  Proper stretching, warm-up, and again flexibility will all be essential to help also decrease injury rates.

So what can you do to help prevent injury when training hard to reach your personal goals?  Here are 5 strategies you can do to decrease your chance of injury:

1)  Warm-up prior to high intensity workouts.  A simple 5-10 minute light warm-up should be fine.

2)  Stretch involved muscles.  Such as calves, hamstring, and quad muscle.  Stretching should be done for a 30-90 second hold!  If you do not like to stretch foam rolling is also a great way to reduce trigger points in muscle, increase flexibility, and decrease pain.

3)  Avoid Over Training.  Especially, if you have just started working out.  Slowly progress yourself to 3x a week and continue until you can perform training 4-5x a week.  Weight loss from decreased body fat does not occur over 1-2 sessions.  If it does, it is probably just water weight.  It takes a long time(> weeks) and your are changing your lifestyle so there is no rush to over train.

4)  Be aware of joint pain vs muscle pain.  Muscle pain is OK and this is just something that comes with exercise and training.  FUN FACT:  The muscle soreness the day after the workout is not lactic acid build up.  Lactic acid is removed within hours after your exercise.  The soreness the day after is called DOMS (delayed muscle soreness) and it is caused from muscle damage from exercise with is necessary for your to get stronger.  If you experience joint pain consult your local medical professional, example Pursuit Physical Therapy!, sooner rather than later.  The sooner the better and the more chronic the pain is the longer it takes to get back pain free!

5)  Follow a healthy diet with plenty of sleep.  It is amazing to see how the body feels and heals as you continue to train hard, when you eat healthy vs bad.  Has anyone ever done the same workout multiple times but when you happen to drink alcohol and eat bad after, how much worse and sore you feel the next day?  There is a difference.  Eat as a function of attaining your goals!

I hope these can help you decrease your injury risk and allows you to keep training at Orlando Fit Body Boot Camp!  For more information about Fit Body Boot Camp Orlando visit their website at and check out their client appreciation night on August 2nd here.  Pursuit Physical Therapy and Dr. Ron Miller will be there to answer any questions regarding proper training techniques, current pain and symptoms, and to perform free functional assessments.

1 comment:

  1. These exercises and information sounds much nice and easy. I must try them for the betterment of my body.
    physical therapist in bergen county
